This scenario is playing out more and more frequently these days. Kids are being bullied at school to the point that death seems the only alternative they have left. As a mother, this makes me sick. Physically ill. The thought that someone, specifically another child, could make a child so miserable that they would want to end their life is atrocious. The fact that parents, when told that their child is bullying other children, refuse to believe that their child could do that is alarming. It is unacceptable. School should be a safe place. It is an educational institution that instills knowledge and learning. Not misery. Do not get me wrong, even in my days, there were bullies. In those days you told your parents, or you settled it with an old fashioned back schoolyard butt whooping. Now I am not saying that was the correct way to handle it. And I am in no means saying that violence is the answer. But that is what happened. That is what happened and how things were handled. You were not afraid to take up for yourself for fear of going to jail, or being shot. Gone is a time where teachers can discipline as needed in school. Everything has become so messed up, for the lack of a better term, all in the name of being politically correct. Gone are the days when it was safe to walk home without fear of having something thrown at you from a moving car.
The responsibility of a death, or destruction of a child, caused by bullying is not something you want to carry around for the rest of your life. And it is certainly not what you want to grow up being known for.
I was bullied in Junior High. It terrifies me that it'll happen to my daughter.
It's a lucky parent who actually knows what their kid is dealing with at school. Most teens share very little, and certainly not their anxieties.
I suggest checking out This is a psychologist who specializes in bullying behavior, and I have found his site exceptionally useful.
ok. first. i have to catch my breath. because not one...but TWO of my most favorite mothers left me comments. whew. hyperventilation. totally.
1. bloggess...i am so sorry! just talk to her about it and be open. and if she is anything like her awesome mom (online of course. satire and all) ...she will be fine.
2. mother...great site recommendation. thank you. i will definitely spread the word.