Had someone not gotten tired of riding horses and the longness of the trip we would not have cars and trucks. Something we take for granted every day. Had someone not had the drive to keep people from being sick and the bravery to eat that mold on the bread, we would be plagued by simple diseases. Had someone not yearned to connect with fellow people all around the world, we would not have phones or the internet. Two things I cannot live without. Or at least it seems that way.
Without people to buck the system things would never change. Sometimes change can be hard. OK. All the time. We get used to things 'the way they are'. Then along comes change, with resistance, and things can be better. Sometimes it is not. But more often than not if we just go ahead and let the change slowly happen, we will see a better or more convenient way of doing things. Safer. More economic. Faster.
Breaking out of the mold and leaving the herd behind to think freely and invent and discover is how we grow. It is what makes us who we are. Technology. Medicine. Fashion. Art. And even war. Many things have come about because someone just could not keep on the standard path. And how awesome it is that these people were brave and sometimes stupid enough to accomplish what they dreamed of.
To those inventors, creators, masterminds...I say "Way to go!!".
And to all the people that continue to to go the wrong way in the car rider vs. bus line at my local elementary... YOU ARE ASSHATS. I understand the way of getting there is different from what we have done for the last 50 years. I get it. I also find it unnerving to have to use the highway entrance. I too have used the back way for as long as I have been driving. However, this rule was put there to keep the kids safe. YOUR kids safe. MY kids safe. It was also put there to keep you safe while driving, to keep you and the buses (which are carrying our kids) from running into a space issue on the small country road. You know what I will even give you the benefit of the doubt. Before 0720, fine, you win. Use the side entrance. I do. There are not as many buses coming in. But after 0730 just do what they ask us to do. In this instance you are not breaking from the heard, or changing the status quo. You are endangering lives. And that, does not make you a martyr...it makes you an idiot.
I am done.
My husband invented something and we lost our Asshats? But we gained some experience. Always try, it's better than what if....
School lanes...UGH! We have people stopping in the middle of the road in front of my daughters highschool and dumping the kids out in traffic rather than make a quick pull through the drop off. Their kids have a tendency to take their sweet time too. Go figure!
Oh and just in case you didn't get a chance to stop back by, both the girls Loved the Parlotones. I thought they were great too.