With all the conferences coming and going throughout the year the chance to meet some of these amazing women (and men!) is possible. The impossible is being able to afford all the great opportunities. It got me to thinking, if I could have my own little conference who would I invite? Well it would definitely be an open invitation because I would hate to miss out on meeting so many great writers and bloggers. But what if I could only pick 10? Who would my Top 10 of all time 'OMG I wanna meet you!' bloggers be?
I was pondering this while eating my mini-wheats the other morning and all I could think was how could I narrow it down? Is it really different than shopping? Hitting the cereal isle at your local mega mart you are faced with hundreds of options. How do you pick the few cereals to pour in your bowl? Taste, cost, the toy inside? If I had a huge bowl and could mix in my favorite bloggers to make this...well...huge bowl of awesome, who would I pick?
Below is my list. My Top 10. My veritable 'Bowl Full Of The Awesome' Bloggers that I would love to meet:
1. The Bloggess - Really? Do I have to list a reason?? It's The Bloggess!
2. Candace - This girl has more southern charm and sass than J.R. Ewing's cowboy hat!
3. Jane - This woman is amazing and inspiring! How awesome would it be to kick it with this momma!
4. MOTPG - This woman rocks it with three girls! Just do not ground me Mom!!
5. Mother from TMH - Intelligent, savvy and kick ass! I would love to just sit down pick her brain and soak up the knowledge.
6. Leiah - This one is full of laughs and great times. I just know it! What a hoot this one would be.
7. Supah / Chief / Meeko - OK! I know it is three people, but really, I think this group comes as one. And hopefully with a little magic I may get to be meeting these crazy cats in Vegas.
8. Busy Mom - I already know this one and let me tell you something I am a much better person for it!
9. Aunt Becky - Grab me a drink and get ready to laugh!
10. Moooooooooog - Sarcastic, offbeat, and has a squishy inside. This Midget of Steel reminds me of half the guys I hung with in the Army. Not sure if that is good or bad. But I am sure it would be a blast!
This is by no means all of who I would love to get together with. But it is the best list I can come up within my 10 limit. There are so many wonderful people out there. Some of them are right up the street and others are across the country. I am happy just to be able to read their blogs and get a glimpse into their worlds. Be sure to go show them all some love!!
Thank you so much! :) Are you going to be in Vegas in October?!
Hey, thanks for the free publicity. You are welcome to pick my brain any time.
Hey girlie - thanks for the love! I had supper Saturday night in Dickinson with Michelle from Table for Nine (and I spend the night with her too - on the first date no less.) and Christy (Aunt Crazy) & her husband were there too! Now if only Candance (CTM) and I could kidnap that toddler and hit the pageant circuits but that's OK. We're sharing a room together in Austin for BBC. Maybe I'll see you there. You know, since that would be the most sensible thing since we only used to live in the same town and all. LOL!
You are all welcome!
Leiah - Girl I cannot afford to be hitting up anything right now. Had my tickets for BlogHer and ended up selling them. If you need help kidnapping Candace let me know! Lol I would help. We would just need to pick up a hot pair of shoes to lure her in with!
The Mother - With all your knowledge my head would explode!
Meeko - yes'sir! I will be in Vegas (if all goes well **crossing fingers**)
I would like to meet you, too.
What flavor condoms do you prefer?
Aw thanks so much!!!! The feeling is definitely mutual!! You are truly awesome. I've been really bad visiting blogs lately. With the kids out of school and the neverending events I've been popping online and popping off!! September can't come fast enough! I will write my post on this Friday! If you go to my blog page on my Awards Cloud you will see a You Rock Award... Make sure you grab it!
Aw! Thank you So Much!!That is truly an Awesome Award: ) I would love to meet you too and of course you wouldn't be grounded, you just introduced me to some new blogs!
Jane - i truly understand. the kids are driving me bonkers.
MOTPG - Woo Hoo for no grounding! Go me!!!
Moooooog - Condoms are for sissies. Rubber = not in the pie hole dude. Besides, my girl parts are gone. Sick midget.
Once again another great idea! And even if I didn't know you irl I would definitely want to meet you, because you know your awesome too! Love Love Love ya!