And it starts----
OK. I am a day late on my November gratitude.
Yesterday ... I am thankful that both of my children are in school and I have a being separated for the day saves my sanity.
Today...I am thankful for my right and freedom to vote. Without being harassed (other than on Facebook by the BNB clan) or suicide bombed on my way to the polls.
Day 3 - I am thankful for my best friends. Yeah. That's plural. I am so thankful that I have more best friends than most people have acquaintances.
Day 4 - today i am thankful that i have a car. That i can afford to pay for...most of the time. That runs and gets me where i need to go. That keeps me safe. I am thankful for easy to wipe off seats ...especially when the bottle of chocolate milk that my child shoved under the seat explodes making me scream like a little girl and check myself for bullet holes.
Day 5 - today I am thankful for attitude. Yep. You heard right. I would much rather hear it to my face than walk around thinking everything is fine...and it is not.
Brought to you by Lil'K
I would like to do a Night 5 post.
I am thankful for working in hospitals. Whose labs and walk-across-the-hall-to-the-e.
The insomnia i am thankful for because without i would miss every. Single. Fackin. Noise. The night has to offer. Including but not limited to the eleventybazillion cars driving around. My daughter breathing like a serial killer. The tree frogs singing out my window (please dont let them get me!!) And many other fabulous noises.
On a for reals...i appreciate my time in band with Pattycake. Because it gave me a taste for yellow gatorade. The drink that NEVER fails me in my time of need.
Day 6 - Today I am thankful for my right to vote. Which I have already done. Have you?
On a side note I do not care who you vote for. Just vote. That is what is important. Also...I am so. freaking. glad. this will all be over. I never knew how crappy some of my friends on fb could be until this election season was upon us. I do hope that you don't show the same crappiness if your candidate loses.
P.S. If you get offended and think this is directed at you, you better get right with yourself. Because I am not talking about who you think I am.
Day 8 - i am thankful for indoor plumbing. As Lil'K thinks she needs to shower every. single. time. she hurls. Which has been approximately 42 times this morning. And for the same plumbing that brings in fresh water to run the washer to wash towels. Dear Big G save us now. This is going to be the longest week ever.
Day 9 - Today I am thankful for my health. Which has obviously been tested to the max for the last four days. But it shows me that normally I am a pretty healthy person. I am still not feeling up to par yet. But hopeful that by Sunday I will be close to back to normal. Big'K seems to be feeling better as well just weak. And Lil'K surprised us with a 24 hour stomach virus Thursday morning.
Week from hell. That is all.
But by-golly I'm Thankful!!!
Night 9 - I am thankful for my ability to keep down the hot dog I ate for dinner. Other than eggs this morning and yesterday morning, and a whopping three bowls of homemade chicken noodle soup over the last two days...that hot dog was the only other solid this body has seen since Tuesday morning. And let me tell you...when this 'used to 2000 calories a day' ass has barely eaten 1000 in four days things start getting a little dicey. So although it was not much or the healthiest thing...I am uber grateful for that frank. As should everyone I have to come in contact with should be. I honestly have no idea how we all made it out of Walmart alive this evening given my state of hunger.
Night 9.a -
P.S. I will totally be thankful for sleep and give the sandman his dues if I could get some sleep tonight. Just saying.
Day 10.2 - Today I am thankful I am alive. The last couple of days it was touch and go at times. But I can honestly say I do feel somewhat more human today, as do the kids. There are no more unneeded loads of towels and undergarments, excessive showering spells, coughing is down to a minimum and for the love of Big G - NO MORE DEPENDS needed people! Today is a good day. I know like so many I wake
So today I am going to take an extra minute to do just that. Be happy that I am alive. The wind is nice and blowy (yes that is a term). The sky is just a tad bit overcast, cause I am still hot (somethings will never change). And take the girls for a drive. To get a little fresh air after being stuck in the house for five days.
night 10 - i am thankful for my shows. When i am feeling down or alone or hopeful or happy or even like singing...and i look and there is a new episode. And it makes me happy. For that episode everything else in this world fades. And there is just...happy.
Day 11 - Today I am thankful for my time in the Army. I am thankful for each and every person I met and friend I made. These are people that I could depend on for anything. There were some great times and tough times shared, even though they seem like forever ago. I am a better person for knowing each and every one of you. Thank you for giving your time. Making a conscience decision to sign up and
And to all who have served past, present and future in all branches, especially those who have given the ultimate sacrifice....THANK YOU.
Night 11 - Today I am also thankful for social media. It has allowed me to stay connected with so many that I would not have otherwise had the opportunity to keep up with. So many of my friends and classmates from high school, even a few from college. My awesome kick ass battle buddies from the Army and various other coworkers. Nevermind the wonderful bloggers that I adore and admire. It has opene
I sure am gonna be pissed when the apocalypse hits and my internet goes down.
In honor of cousins...I want to wish a huge Sweet 16 Princess!!!! to Biggest'K. I love you man. Happy Birthday from me and Lil'K, and Big'K just shouted out WOLFPACK!!
Tried to tag everyone...but man I have a lot of cousins. If I didn't grab you know I love you!!!!
Day 13.2 - Keeping with the family theme. I am so thankful for my Aunts and Uncles. They can be just as loud, crazy and funny as we can. They actually LIKE to come and hang out with us when we get together. They love us. They think we are special, in more than one way. They laugh with us and at us. They are great for late night calls and life questions. They are always there...and carry on the leg
Day 13.c - Today I am thankful for my brother. He is crazy, funny, silly and hi-fn-larious. He is one of the sweetest souls I know. There is so much love and care in that heart. I miss him since he has moved away. I got so used to jumping over to Galveston for a visit. We have become closer as adults and I love it. My girls think he hung the moon and stars. One of my first memories EVER is of going to pick LilBro up from Edna Gladney. He was such a stinker but I still loved his little fat head.
I love love love you lil bro. My sweet Matty.
Day 14 - I am thankful for stupid people. I am not talking about uneducated vs. educated. Or unteachable. Or really even ignorant. Just plain ole stupid ass people. They help me keep my perspective. They provide great teaching moments. They show me that I am smarter than I think I am. They make for awesome entertainment. I know they cannot help it. Bless their little hearts.
Then End.
So thank you good sir. For giving me the best parts of you. And loving her from afar. I am reminded of you every. single. day. in your daughter. Sending much love your way...
Naps that other big girls can take so they will not be so cranky tonight for Biggest'Ks Sweet 16 Princess party.
August...did you take your nap princess??
So today, even when they drive me crazy, I am so thankful my kids are well. Thank you Big'K, Lil'K, Mid'K, Lil'R, and Big'R for being you. Thank you to the BFF for helping to keep them well with all your hoodoo. lmao. I wouldn't know what to do without all of you...just as you are. Even if it is trying at times.
Day 19 - Today I am thankful or my job. At a time when employment is questionable for so many I am gainfully employed. I work for a small business that does good. Our main mission is to help others through the life saving plasma we draw. I love my co-workers (other than cranky days after the cowboys lose haha), and my boss. I love what this business does. I love that I make a check and can pay for (most of) my bills on a monthly basis lol.
Night 19 - I am thankful for made from scratch German chocolate cake and icing. Yummy!!!!!!!
Day 20 - Today I am thankful for vacation time. The next four days are going to be awesome!!!! Filled with tons of food, family, and friends. THOSE are the best times. And the biggest things to be thankful for.
Day 21 - Today I am thankful for LOVE. For that old love your great aunt has in her voice when she talks about her sweetheart long gone. For young love that sends teenagers into the giggles. Long lost love that was rekindled. The fierce love of a mother for her children. The giddy love that makes you call your closest of close and let them know you are engaged. For love between friends and family. The love that only your soul mate knows. Puppy love. Guncle love. Every love.
ALL you need is love.
Night 21 - Heading to bed after a great day. I am so so so thankful for the many ways I am blessed. Tomorrow is going to be awesome. Looking forward to seeing friends, family, food and football. Four of my five favorite F words.
I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankful for, even in some of the darkest hours. I sincerely hope each and every one of you have a wonderful day. If you have the luxury of being with family and friends today enjoy it. If you have to work, I have been there and I appreciate what you do so that I can enjoy my day. I am blessed to have my family and friends in my life. I know I may bitch a lot...but I am happy and each one of you has a part in that. LOVE you all.
To all my friends overseas who cannot be home with their families, YOU are the reason we are able to do all of these wonderful things. THANK YOU. You are missed and thought about often.
That was pretty much the end. Between the internets facking up and my life in general it just got dropped to the side. Which was probably a great thing because Lil'K was switching meds during the end of November and was not nice. I will say though, some of the best parts were the comments under my Gratitude posts. I have some of the best friends and their comments were priceless at times.
I do hope each and every one of you had a wonderful 11th month. That you had tons of things to be thankful for...even when it seemed like there was no light to shine through the dark. I do know that I am blessed. Even with all the little things that make my life the snafu'd mess it is.
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