i have a few posts stuck up in the noggin to share. and i promise i will get right on that. sometime this week. but for right now how about a recap??
i did save my house. woo hoo me. not sure how i will continue to save it the next three months but it will happen. i found the $200 i lost. in. my. car. yay again. i got a full body deep tissue acupressure massage. yeah. i'm still sore. it is almost time to start mowing again here in the great country of Texas and i am NOT happy about that. everyone hates the cold weather but for me it just means i do not have to mow yet. and that makes me happy. today is hit up the laundromat day. other than that just a shit ton of other stuff going on. i will truly try to post this week. get some of this junk off my head.